Reminder To Review Your Contracts

Review Your Contracts Every Year. One of the most important tools to protect your business – your ideas (copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, confidential and proprietary information), customer relationships and talent pool – is your written contract. Your contract is the foundation for a reliable relationship for you, your customers and your employees. More importantly, it […]

Data Protection & Copyright Law

Globally, non-profits, NGOs, and environmental advocacy organizations are expanding scientific data collection while combining this data with data from third parties. Data scientists increasingly find themselves applying creative thought the the selection of tools and instruments, calibration of those instruments, and the process and selection of data to measure. This combined data is then used […]

Changes Coming to Non-Compete Agreements in Illinois

EMPLOYMENT (820 ILCS 90/) Illinois Freedom to Work Act. Illinois passed a law that amends the Illinois Freedom to Work Act. Expands the scope of the Act to apply to all employees (rather than only low-wage employees). Prohibits all covenants not to compete. Scope The law goes into effect January 1, 2022 and amends the Freedom to […]

Arts, Entertainment, Media & Advertising Law News – “Five Rs” To Remember

“Five Rs” To Remember When Letting Employees Go It is inevitable in almost every business. You will need to let an employee go. Whether it’s a seasoned designer coming with plug-and-play experience or a fresh face just out of design school, sometimes it just doesn’t work out. Recently, several of my designer clients have had […]


TRAFFICKING IN TRUST: HOW TO ENHANCE AFFILAITE ENGAGEMENT Attendees will learn best practices, strategies, and tactics from a seasoned legal professional who works with businesses and regulators at the federal and state levels.  We will break down the how, when, where, and what of disclosers and disclaimers as well as recent developments in privacy law […]

Social Media Advertising Tools And User Consent: What Are The Requirements?

Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Perhaps you’ve seen them, those television and radio ads that talk about the “creepy” nature of some adverting on the Internet that follows consumers across their social media. According to Pew Research, most Americans believe their online activities are being tracked and monitored.  The fact is, […]