Changes Coming to Non-Compete Agreements in Illinois

EMPLOYMENT (820 ILCS 90/) Illinois Freedom to Work Act. Illinois passed a law that amends the Illinois Freedom to Work Act. Expands the scope of the Act to apply to all employees (rather than only low-wage employees). Prohibits all covenants not to compete. Scope The law goes into effect January 1, 2022 and amends the Freedom to […]


TRAFFICKING IN TRUST: HOW TO ENHANCE AFFILAITE ENGAGEMENT Attendees will learn best practices, strategies, and tactics from a seasoned legal professional who works with businesses and regulators at the federal and state levels.  We will break down the how, when, where, and what of disclosers and disclaimers as well as recent developments in privacy law […]

Is It Necessary To Register A Design Copyright?

A client was asking “is it necessary to fill out all the paperwork to register a design even though the law says you already own it?” It’s a good question. Technically, under the Copyright Act as amended in 1976, the author (creator) of a work owns the copyright. The 1976 Act states that copyright protection […]