Ping® Webinar: 5 Things Every Design Contract Needs
I want to give a big thanks to Houzz PRO for hosting this webinar. This program covered: –The five key problem areas in design contracts –What the key terms of a contract should be, why they are there and when they should be changed –Rights & Remedies: what a designer can do if a client […]
Changes Coming to Non-Compete Agreements in Illinois
EMPLOYMENT (820 ILCS 90/) Illinois Freedom to Work Act. Illinois passed a law that amends the Illinois Freedom to Work Act. Expands the scope of the Act to apply to all employees (rather than only low-wage employees). Prohibits all covenants not to compete. Scope The law goes into effect January 1, 2022 and amends the Freedom to […]
Arts, Entertainment, Media & Advertising Law News – “Five Rs” To Remember
“Five Rs” To Remember When Letting Employees Go It is inevitable in almost every business. You will need to let an employee go. Whether it’s a seasoned designer coming with plug-and-play experience or a fresh face just out of design school, sometimes it just doesn’t work out. Recently, several of my designer clients have had […]
Declaratory Judgment Action for Copyright Infringement
At a time when #media creation & consumption is traveling across a growing number of devices, at increasing speeds, and without care for for borders whether physical, digital, or geographic, licensing, distribution and use of digital content can cause problems. The case of Fastcase, Inc. v. Lawriter, LLC, Case No. 17-14110 (11th Cir. Oct. 29, 2018) […]
Illinois law and enforceability of postemployment restrictive covenants
Every business in this, the Information Age, is highly dependent on confidential and proprietary information. As many design and creative professionals know, a design business is often based on intimate, personal relationships with clients. As a result, relationships are built upon a high degree of trust and the professional reputation of the designer. In addition, […]
Advanced Issues in Contracts for Interior Designers
Every business transaction is governed by contract law, even if the parties don’t realize it. Despite the overwhelming role it plays in our lives, contract law can be incredibly difficult to understand. Successful Interior Designers know how to manage the legal needs of the business while bringing a creative vision to life for a client […]
Top 5 questions asked by entrepreneurs
Over the last 20 years I have worked with many technology companies and entrepreneurs in the Chicagoland area. For a time, I also ran the start up and entrepreneurial ventures subcommittee of the Chicago Bar Association. The entrepreneur panels are always the best attended and also seem to have the liveliest discussions. Drawing on […]
@Adlerlaw Has Been Nominated for The Expert Institute’s Best Legal Blog Contest
Chicago, IL October 7, 2016 @Adlerlaw has been selected to compete in The Expert Institute’s Best Legal Blog Competition. From a field of hundreds of potential nominees, @Adlerlaw has received enough nominations to join the one of the largest competitions for legal blog writing online today. Now that the blogs have been nominated and placed […]
Adler Named 1 of @Law360’s 20 Attorneys Killing It On Twitter
The 20 Attorneys Killing It On Twitter By Lisa Ryan Law360, New York (September 11, 2015, 4:57 PM ET) — Some attorneys have figured out how to use their Twitter accounts to build their personal brand and network with peers and prospective clients, while also pumping out tweet after tweet of legal insight and hilarious anecdotes. […]