Reminder To Review Your Contracts
Review Your Contracts Every Year. One of the most important tools to protect your business – your ideas (copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, confidential and proprietary information), customer relationships and talent pool – is your written contract. Your contract is the foundation for a reliable relationship for you, your customers and your employees. More importantly, it […]
Data Protection & Copyright Law
Globally, non-profits, NGOs, and environmental advocacy organizations are expanding scientific data collection while combining this data with data from third parties. Data scientists increasingly find themselves applying creative thought the the selection of tools and instruments, calibration of those instruments, and the process and selection of data to measure. This combined data is then used […]
TRAFFICKING IN TRUST: HOW TO ENHANCE AFFILAITE ENGAGEMENT Attendees will learn best practices, strategies, and tactics from a seasoned legal professional who works with businesses and regulators at the federal and state levels. We will break down the how, when, where, and what of disclosers and disclaimers as well as recent developments in privacy law […]
Social Media Advertising Tools And User Consent: What Are The Requirements?
Perhaps you’ve seen them, those television and radio ads that talk about the “creepy” nature of some adverting on the Internet that follows consumers across their social media. According to Pew Research, most Americans believe their online activities are being tracked and monitored. The fact is, most companies can and do share data with social […]
What Is Cyberlaw?
On November 13, I had the honor of providing a lecture on Cyberlaw to students at the Boston College Law School. Virtually, of course. I had been asked to talk about trends in Cyberlaw with a specific focus on issues related to intellectual property. So what is Cyberlaw? Simply put, it is the “Rules of […]
Does My Business Need A “Button” To Comply With The CCPA’s Do Not Sell Rule?
The California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) was enacted in early 2018 and went into effect in 2020. Among many concerns about the ability of small businesses to comply with obligations imposed by the CCPA is the requirement that a company allow Californians to access the information held about them, or, in some situations, request that […]
Privacy Law – How Do You Verify the Identity of a Data Requestor?
The California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) was enacted in early 2018 and will go into effect in 2020. Among many concerns about the ability of small businesses to comply with obligations imposed by the CCPA is the requirement that a company allow Californians to access the information held about them, or, in some situations, request […]
Choosing the Right Legal Entity for Your Business
Seasoned business owners usually know enough to invest in the protection of some form of business entity. Too often, these individuals fail to engage in the necessary business and tax planning to get the most from their investment. Whether you are a sole proprietor, partnership, corporation, limited liability company (LLC), limited liability partnership, or hybrid entity, […]
Declaratory Judgment Action for Copyright Infringement
At a time when #media creation & consumption is traveling across a growing number of devices, at increasing speeds, and without care for for borders whether physical, digital, or geographic, licensing, distribution and use of digital content can cause problems. The case of Fastcase, Inc. v. Lawriter, LLC, Case No. 17-14110 (11th Cir. Oct. 29, 2018) […]
Recent Court Decisions Provide Some Clarity in Ever-changing Techlaw Landscape
As every CIO knows, today all business is digital business. From the corner mom and pop bodega using Square to process credit cards up to Cisco Systems global network of devices supporting Zetabytes of data over an increasing number of devices. What began as largely static website e-commerce at the turn of the millennium is […]